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Prepare for new planning changes for short-term rental accommodation

Prepare for new planning changes for short-term rental accommodation
Are you responsible for letting short-term rental accommodation (STRA) properties? Work with your clients to ensure they register before 1 November 2021 to let out their property for summer.
You can also register your client’s property on their behalf if you have their written consent. You will need to upload a copy of their written consent when you register.
What’s happening? 
Residential STRA properties must be registered on the NSW Government STRA register before 1 November 2021.  

This applies to residential accommodation such as houses, units and terraces. It does not apply to caravans, tents, moveable dwellings, eco-tourist facilities and alpine resorts.

The local government area of Byron Shire has until 31 January 2022 for STRA properties to be registered.

The new STRA planning policy starting on 1 November brings new obligations for booking platforms, hosts, letting agents and guests. This includes limits on the number of days a non-hosted STRA property can be let per year and new fire and safety requirements.

Note: non-hosted STRA means short-term rental accommodation provided where the host does not reside on the premises during the provision of the accommodation.

It will be an offence for hosts to let their properties after 1 November if they are not registered before they are let out. Penalties apply.

These new laws are part of the STRA regulatory framework which includes the mandatory Code of Conduct for the Short-term Rental Accommodation Industry (the code) that started in December 2020. The Code of Conduct was introduced to better manage and address anti-social behaviour, impacts to amenity and other issues experienced by neighbours and communities.

What do hosts need to do? 
To comply with the obligations:
  • Hosts must register their property using their Service NSW login. The property will need to be registered before it is rented after 1 November. Instructions about how to create a NSW Planning Portal login are available on the webpage. Alternatively, you can register your client’s property on their behalf provided you have their written consent.
  • Completed STRA registrations will be issued with a STRA Property ID number (STRA-PID-XXXX) which must be displayed on an online property listing.
  • Check whether there are any limits on the number of days per year allowed for STRA in the relevant council area and comply with these requirements. Note: this only applies to non-hosted properties.
  • Once the property is registered, the number of days the property is booked can be manually recorded.
  • Comply with the new fire and safety requirements by 1 March 2022 – STRA properties must include smoke alarms, exit signs, fire-blanket, fire-extinguisher and an evacuation plan.
  • Ensure they are complying with their responsibilities under the Code of Conduct.
What must I do as a letting agent? 
From 1 November 2021, you must only advertise or offer premises or otherwise facilitate a host entering into a STRA arrangement if:
  • the premises are registered on the STRA register, and
  • the registration number for the premises is displayed alongside the details of the premises, wherever the premises details are displayed.
You must also provide the Department of Planning Industry and Environment with information that you hold about certain STRA premises if requested. This is a requirement under the Code of Conduct.
More information 
To find out more, visit:
Get in touch 
  • Email the ePlanning team for queries about the NSW Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) register or the Housing policy team for STRA policy queries
  • Call Service NSW for queries related to the Code of Conduct on 1300 305 695.
Kind regards,

Luke Walton
Executive Director – Housing and Economic Policy
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment